Nowadays, it’s essential to try to save money wherever you can. If you can minimize your expenses, life is just a bit easier. This often leads to homeowners neglecting necessary home upgrades to save money for other things, but, in some cases, there are many reasons to replace old windows.
However, that’s not the best idea.
What might seem like a simple feature of your home is actually crucial to energy conservation and several other significant impacts on your wallet.
Here are five reasons you should make room in your budget and prioritize replacing old windows in your Las Vegas home ASAP.
1: Energy Savings
This is probably the biggest reason you should upgrade your old windows to JKR Energy Pro ® windows as soon as possible.
Energy bills are skyrocketing across the nation, and they’re having major impacts on the wallets of Americans everywhere. Your windows have the potential to help minimize those growing energy costs.
See, your HVAC system has to work a lot harder with traditional contractor-grade windows. You have to turn it on more frequently and to higher intensities to achieve the most comfortable temperature. While it’s on, it has to kick into overdrive to get anywhere near the temperature you’re trying to achieve.
This is because traditional windows have meager insulation abilities. If you’re trying to heat or cool your home, the windows let that climate-controlled air escape immediately.
This isn’t a problem with energy-efficient windows. They’re double or triple-pane windows with special insulation abilities to keep your climate-controlled air in; this allows your HVAC system to work more efficiently, and you can even go without it during more comfortable weather patterns.
2: Durability
When a traditional contractor-grade window loses its seal even the slightest, it loses even more insulation power, and it will likely start to fog up as well.
A multi-pane Energy Pro ® window won’t do that and if it does it is covered under our Lifetime Warranty. The metal alloy Intercept spacer advances performance to the highest level through its metal alloy and patented U-shaped design.
Metal alloy – known for its unsurpassed strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion – is also impervious to gas transmission, which improves insulating gas retention in the window unit and increases its overall thermal performance. The metal alloy spacer also incorporates flex for low stress on the sealant bond to offset the effects of temperature changes and help to prevent seal failure.
Simply put, this solar-focused insulated glass package will help protect a home’s carpet, furniture, floors, and draperies from fading, prevent the overbearing heat gain from the sun’s rays and still allow you to enjoy the outdoor view without distortion or haze
3: Home Value
Your home’s value fluctuates depending on the upgrades and renovations you do or do not have installed. The more you do to positively impact your home’s performance and appearance, the more it’s worth when it’s time to sell.
Windows replacement dramatically increases your home’s value.
4: Energy Rebates
Some areas will actually give you tax rebates for window replacement and installation because you’re doing your part to lower energy consumption. This is on top of saving money on your energy bill directly.
5: Comfort and Peace of Mind
Finally, this is one you’ll immediately enjoy. All of the previous benefits add to your having a more enjoyable experience at home.
When you’re saving money or making more off the sale of your home, you have less to stress about. We all know how important that is nowadays. On top of that, your home will be more easily climate-controlled, and that just makes it more comfortable to be in your own home. Considering your home is where you go to relax and feel at ease, you can’t underestimate the reasons to replace old windows.